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Building Your Own GPT: Lessons from Guy Kawasaki's Approach to Personalized AI

Written by Emilia DiFabrizio | Jul 16, 2024 7:04:45 PM

While general-purpose AI models like ChatGPT have dominated the conversation the past couple years, we’re witnessing a significant shift from general-purpose models to more specialized, custom-built GPTs. These personalized AI models are revolutionizing how we interact with technology, share knowledge, and leverage expertise.

At the forefront of this trend is Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist of Canva and former Chief Evangelist of Apple, with his innovative KawasakiGPT. In this post, we'll explore the process of creating a custom GPT, using KawasakiGPT as a case study, and delve into the potential applications, challenges, and future of personalized AI in both personal and professional contexts.


The Process of Creating a Custom GPT

Creating a custom GPT like KawasakiGPT involves several crucial steps, each contributing to the model's individuality and effectiveness.

1. Data Collection and Curation

Like any AI model, the foundation of any custom GPT is its data. For KawasakiGPT, Kawasaki took a comprehensive approach, incorporating a wide range of content. This includes personal writings, videos, blog posts, and importantly, transcripts from his podcast featuring conversations with over 250 remarkable individuals across various fields.

This diverse dataset ensures that KawasakiGPT isn't just a reflection of Kawasaki's personal knowledge, but a synthesis of insights from a wide range of experts. When building your own GPT, you might consider including:

  • Personal writings and publications
  • Transcripts from speeches or presentations
  • Blog posts and social media content
  • Interviews or conversations with industry experts

The key is to curate high-quality, relevant data that accurately represents your expertise and the knowledge you want your GPT to embody.

2. Choosing a Base Model & Service Provider

When creating a custom GPT like KawasakiGPT, you don't typically choose the base model directly. Instead, you select a service provider that offers customization options for their proprietary language models. For instance:

  • OpenAI provides the GPT-3 and GPT-4 family of models through their API, allowing for fine-tuning and customization.
  • Anthropic offers Claude, which can be tailored for specific use cases.
  • Google has options like Gemini for enterprise-level customization.

These providers don't give direct access to their base models. Rather, they offer interfaces and tools that allow you to build on top of their existing models. The choice of provider depends on factors such as:

  • The specific capabilities you need (e.g., language understanding, code generation, multilingual support)
  • The level of customization offered
  • Pricing and usage limits
  • Integration options with your existing systems

Most custom GPTs are built on one of these major platforms, leveraging powerful base models while adding his unique dataset and fine-tuning process.

3. Fine-tuning the Model

Once you have your data and base model, the next step is fine-tuning. This process involves training the model on your curated dataset, allowing it to learn the nuances of your expertise and communication style. For KawasakiGPT, this likely involved multiple iterations to capture Kawasaki's unique voice and the diverse insights from his podcast guests.

4. Testing and Validation

Rigorous testing is crucial to ensure your custom GPT performs as expected. This involves:

  • Validation: Using a separate dataset to test the model’s performance.
  • Feedback Loops: Incorporating feedback from users to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

The goal is to reach a point where the model's responses are on par with or even superior to what you might provide personally, as Kawasaki found with his GPT.

5. Deployment and Integration

Finally, your custom GPT needs to be deployed in a user-friendly interface. For KawasakiGPT, this involves a platform where users can easily interact with the AI, asking questions and receiving responses in Kawasaki's style.

For those interested in creating custom GPTs themselves, this process provides a comprehensive framework. However, if you're looking for a more straightforward approach, custom GPTs can also be created within ChatGPT, offering ease of use with less control over fine-tuning. Alternatively, for a hands-off solution, enterprise-level options like Betty Bot cater specifically to associations, providing comprehensive, tailored AI solutions.


KawasakiGPT: A Case Study

KawasakiGPT stands out for several reasons:

  1. Comprehensive Knowledge Base: It doesn't just contain Kawasaki's personal insights but also the collective wisdom of hundreds of experts interviewed on his podcast.
  2. Unique Voice: The model can generate responses that mimic Kawasaki's communication style, making interactions feel personal and authentic.
  3. Practical Application: Kawasaki uses his GPT for various purposes, including drafting content like book forwards and blurbs, demonstrating its practical value in content creation.
  4. Continuous Learning: The model's knowledge base is regularly updated with new podcast transcripts, ensuring it stays current and relevant.


Potential Applications for Individuals and Organizations

The applications of custom GPTs like KawasakiGPT are vast and varied:

  • Personal Branding and Thought Leadership: Individuals can create AI versions of themselves to scale their influence and share their expertise more broadly.
  • Knowledge Management and Sharing: Organizations can develop AI models that encapsulate their collective wisdom, making it easily accessible to employees or members.
  • Customer Service and Support: Companies can deploy custom GPTs to provide personalized, expert-level customer support around the clock.
  • Product Development and Innovation: Custom GPTs can serve as brainstorming partners, helping to generate and refine new ideas.
  • Education and Training: Custom GPTs can offer personalized learning experiences, adapting to individual needs and learning styles. This is particularly relevant for associations looking to enhance their educational offerings to members.


Challenges and Considerations in Developing a Personalized AI Model

While the potential of custom GPTs is exciting, there are several challenges to consider:

  • Data Privacy and Ethical Concerns: Ensuring the proper use and protection of the data used to train these models is crucial. This is particularly important when dealing with sensitive or proprietary information.
  • Maintaining Model Accuracy and Relevance: The AI landscape is rapidly evolving, and keeping your custom GPT updated and relevant requires ongoing effort and resources.
  • Balancing Personalization with Generalization: While the goal is to create a personalized AI, it's important to ensure the model can generalize well to handle a variety of queries and situations.
  • Technical Challenges and Resource Requirements: Developing and maintaining a custom GPT requires significant technical expertise and computational resources, which may be a barrier for some individuals or organizations.


The Future of Custom AI in Personal and Professional Contexts

Looking ahead, the future of custom GPTs is bright and full of possibilities:

  • Hyper-Personalization: Future models might adapt not just to industries or individuals, but to specific contexts or user preferences in real-time.
  • Multimodal AI: Custom GPTs could integrate with other technologies like augmented reality or voice synthesis, creating more immersive and natural interactions.
  • Collaborative AI Ecosystems: We might see networks of specialized AIs working together, combining their unique knowledge bases to solve complex, interdisciplinary problems.
  • AI-Driven Innovation Hubs: Custom GPTs could become central to innovation labs, driving breakthroughs across various industries.

The real concern for the future isn't that AI will replace humans entirely, but rather that those who can effectively leverage AI will have a significant advantage over those who can't. This underscores the importance of not just creating custom GPTs but learning to use them strategically and efficiently.



Custom GPTs like KawasakiGPT represent a real leap forward in how we can AI can be used for personal and professional growth. In crafting AI models that encapsulate specialized knowledge and unique perspectives, new possibilities for knowledge sharing, innovation, and personalized interactions present themselves.

Guy Kawasaki's approach demonstrates that the key to success lies in curating high-quality data, continuously refining the model, and finding creative applications that add real value. Despite the challenges custom GPTs present, the potential benefits are too significant to overlook.

Whether you're an individual looking to scale your influence, an association aiming to better serve your members, or a business seeking to innovate, exploring the possibilities of custom GPTs could be a game-changer. As Kawasaki aptly put it, "I don't know how you could maximize and optimize the educational services that you provide as an association to your customer without using AI at this point." The future of personalized AI is here, and it’s time to embrace it’s potential. 

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