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In the realm of innovation, especially within the association sector, the journey of an idea from conception to realization is often as critical as the idea itself. The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly the resurgence of neural networks, serves as a compelling case study in timing, perseverance, and the readiness of technology. While Fei-Fei Li's visionary creation of ImageNet laid the groundwork for a revolution in AI, it was the groundbreaking work of Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton from the University of Toronto that heralded a new era. Their 2012 paper, "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks," introduced AlexNet, a model that significantly outperformed the status quo and sparked a deep learning frenzy. Their surprising victory in the ImageNet competition using deep neural networks underscored a crucial lesson: the right idea might simply be waiting for its moment. 

flywheel failureFor association CEOs, this narrative offers profound insights. It's a reminder that past initiatives, deemed unsuccessful or premature, could harbor the seeds of future breakthroughs. The challenge lies not just in the conception of new ideas but in recognizing when shifting technological landscapes and changing member needs align to breathe new life into those ideas. Fei-Fei Li's ImageNet, while not initially intended to herald the neural network resurgence, became the catalyst for a transformation that reshaped our understanding of AI's potential. 

This article is dedicated to association leaders navigating the delicate balance of innovation and timing. It draws lessons from the field of AI to inspire a reassessment of past projects and ideas within associations. By understanding the interplay between the evolution of technology, member expectations, and societal readiness, association leaders can identify when a previously sidelined initiative might now hold the key to significant advancements. 

We will explore how associations can cultivate an environment that not only learns from past attempts but is also agile enough to seize the moment when conditions change. This approach requires a blend of historical awareness, strategic foresight, and the willingness to embrace past ideas with a new perspective. Through this lens, we invite association leaders to rethink how past projects can inform future innovations, ensuring that when the moment is right, they are ready to act. 

Understanding Timing in Innovation

The success of new ideas, initiatives, and technologies within the association sector and beyond is profoundly influenced by timing. This concept transcends the simple introduction of an innovative idea; it encapsulates the readiness of the market, the technological infrastructure, and the societal context to embrace and utilize the innovation effectively. Innovations in associations, much like in the broader technological landscape, follow a cyclical nature where periods of rapid advancements are often followed by phases of consolidation and reflection. 

This cyclical pattern is not arbitrary but deeply intertwined with external factors such as advancements in technology, shifts in societal needs, and changes in economic conditions. For association leaders, understanding this cycle is crucial for identifying the opportune moments to reintroduce past initiatives or to launch new ones. The external environment's readiness can transform a previously unsuccessful idea into a current necessity. Hence, the timing of an innovation does not solely depend on the association's internal readiness but also on the external environment's capacity to support and sustain that innovation. 

Moreover, the impact of timing extends beyond the introduction of technological innovations to encompass strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing member engagement, service delivery, and operational efficiency. As such, association leaders are tasked with not only tracking the internal progress and readiness for innovation but also with keeping a pulse on the external factors that could signify the right timing for their initiatives. 

The journey of neural networks, particularly as highlighted by the ImageNet competition and Fei-Fei Li's foundational work, underscores the critical role of timing in the acceptance and success of innovations. Initially, neural networks faced skepticism, but the right confluence of technological advancements, data availability, and computational power led to their resurgence. The pivotal moment when the team from the University of Toronto demonstrated the unmatched capabilities of deep neural networks in the ImageNet challenge exemplifies how external factors can align to propel an idea forward. This story serves as a powerful reminder for association leaders that revisiting past initiatives in a changed context can unlock new opportunities and achievements, emphasizing the essence of timing in realizing innovation's full potential. 

In navigating the innovation cycle, associations must therefore adopt a holistic approach that considers both the internal state of readiness and the external environmental cues. By doing so, they can better position themselves to leverage the right ideas at the right time, maximizing the potential for success and impact within their sector. 

Case Study - Neural Networks, Fei-Fei Li, and the Deep Learning Revolution

The resurgence of neural networks as a pivotal force in AI innovation, particularly through the ImageNet challenge, marks a significant chapter in the technology's evolution. Fei-Fei Li's contribution through the development of ImageNet, a vast database designed to train and benchmark AI algorithms, laid the foundation for this renaissance. ImageNet served as a testing ground for AI models, challenging them to improve accuracy in image recognition tasks. The breakthrough came when a team from the University of Toronto, led by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton, introduced AlexNet. Their model's success in the 2012 ImageNet competition not only won the challenge but also demonstrated the superior capabilities of deep learning models, revolutionizing the field of computer vision and rekindling interest in neural networks. 

This historical moment in AI development holds valuable lessons for association leaders. It exemplifies the transformative power of combining innovative ideas with the right technological infrastructure and data resources. For associations, leveraging AI and data analytics can similarly revolutionize member engagement and service delivery. By understanding the capabilities of AI technologies and the conditions under which they thrive, associations can identify opportunities to enhance operational efficiency and create more personalized member experiences. 

Just as the ImageNet challenge became a catalyst for the AI revolution, associations can use challenges, competitions, or collaborative projects as platforms for innovation. These initiatives can foster a culture of creativity, experimentation, and learning within the association community, driving progress and adapting to the evolving needs and expectations of members. 

More broadly, in reflecting on the journey of neural networks and the role of ImageNet, association leaders are reminded of the potential for significant impact when the right ideas are matched with the right conditions for implementation. This case study underscores the importance of fostering a culture that encourages exploration, leverages current technologies, and remains open to revisiting past failures with a fresh perspective. 

Historical Bias and Its Impact on Association Strategy

Historical bias can significantly impact strategic decision-making within associations, often leading to resistance against revisiting past ideas or initiatives. This bias stems from previous experiences of failure or underperformance, creating a psychological barrier against certain ideas regardless of their potential in a changed context. Associations, like many organizations, can fall into the trap of "we've tried that before," allowing past outcomes to overshadow future possibilities. 

Overcoming this historical bias requires a deliberate shift in perspective, emphasizing learning and adaptation over outright dismissal. It's crucial for association leaders to cultivate an environment where past attempts are analyzed not just for their outcomes but for the insights they offer. Understanding the reasons behind past failures—be it timing, technology limitations, or misaligned member needs—can illuminate pathways to future success. 

The story of neural networks' resurgence through the ImageNet challenge serves as a compelling example of overcoming historical biases. Initially sidelined due to technological and computational constraints, neural networks found new life as these limitations were addressed. Association leaders can take inspiration from this narrative, recognizing that the landscape of technology, member expectations, and societal needs is ever-evolving. What was once an unsuccessful initiative could now be the solution to current challenges, provided the context has changed favorably. 

Embracing a culture that values experimentation, resilience, and the reevaluation of past ideas can help associations break free from the constraints of historical bias. By doing so, they open themselves up to a world of innovation and opportunities, ready to leverage the lessons of the past for the successes of the future.

Learning from the Past to Innovate for the Future

Associations often face challenges and failures that can either serve as barriers to progress or stepping stones to future success. Learning from past attempts, rather than viewing them as definitive failures, allows associations to build a resilient and innovative culture. This approach involves a detailed analysis of why certain ideas did not achieve their expected outcomes previously. Were the failures due to technological limitations, misalignment with member needs, or external economic factors? Understanding these aspects can reveal how changes in these areas may now permit a previously unsuccessful idea to flourish. 

Reflecting on the neural network's journey, particularly its resurgence facilitated by the ImageNet competition, provides a vivid illustration of this principle. Despite early setbacks, the persistence and willingness to learn from past efforts led to breakthroughs that significantly advanced the field of AI. For association leaders, this narrative underscores the value of revisiting past initiatives with a new lens, recognizing that the context, available technology, and member expectations evolve over time. 

Embracing this mindset encourages a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, where association leaders are not deterred by previous failures but are motivated by the potential for innovation. By critically evaluating past projects in light of current conditions and future possibilities, associations can unlock new opportunities for growth and member engagement, ensuring they are always positioned at the forefront of change. 

To objectively re-evaluate past ideas that didn't initially succeed, association leaders can ask themselves the following questions: 

  1. What specific factors contributed to the failure of this idea previously? This question helps identify the root causes of past failures, whether they were internal limitations, external circumstances, or a combination of both.
  2. How have technological advancements since the initial attempt changed the feasibility of this idea? Recognizing technological progress can reveal new opportunities for implementing old ideas in innovative ways.
  3. Have there been shifts in member needs or expectations that could now make this idea more relevant or desirable? Understanding evolving member needs can indicate whether the market has become more receptive to the idea.
  4. What lessons were learned from the initial failure, and how can they inform a revised approach? This prompts a reflection on past mistakes and insights gained, guiding future strategy adjustments.
  5. Are there new partnerships, tools, or resources available now that were not previously? Identifying new resources can provide the necessary support to overcome past obstacles.
  6. How has the competitive or regulatory landscape changed, and what impact might this have on the idea's viability? Changes in the external environment can create new opportunities for success.
  7. Is there a way to pilot or test the idea on a smaller scale before a full rollout? Considering a pilot approach can help validate the idea's potential and mitigate risks.

I’d suggest that association leaders use these questions to lead an open-minded collaboration session on past initiative. The idea is to foster a culture of innovation that leverages past experiences for future successes, ensuring that associations remain adaptive and forward-thinking in their strategic view. 

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Strategies for Reevaluating Past Ideas

Building on the questions proposed in the last section, let’s evaluate how we can go deeper if those questions sparked some interest in new versions of older ideas. For associations looking to reassess and potentially revitalize past ideas or initiatives, adopting a strategic approach is crucial. Here are several strategies to consider: 

  1. Evaluate New Technologies: Explore how recent technological advancements could address previous barriers or enhance the idea's implementation and impact. Like with neural networks, the Apple Newton->iPhone and many other “overnight success stories” most breakthrough products and services build on the failures of past attempts. Often, it is due to new technologies that were previously unavailable that make the difference. 
  2. Engage Stakeholders for Fresh Perspectives: Solicit input from a diverse group of stakeholders, including members, staff, and external experts, to gain insights and ideas that may not have been considered previously. While input from all of these stakeholders may not drive a change in direction, it is important to evaluate the viewpoints of many when evaluating the possible impact of a new service.
  3. Prototype and Pilot Test: Develop a small-scale prototype or conduct a pilot test to gather data and feedback without the full commitment of resources required for a broader rollout. While the feedback from stakeholders is very helpful on several levels, actually showing what your new product or service could be without fully committing to the investment required to build it out can be a great step towards validating (or invalidating) the idea.
  4. Analyze Competitive Landscape: Examine how the competitive landscape has evolved, considering what competitors have done since the initial idea was shelved. What is likely to occur in the future in this landscape with the availability of the technology, data, and other resources for other brands? Competitive landscapes have continually been changing faster as technology evolves and that is likely to continue as we look ahead.
  5. Plan for Iterative Development: Prepare to iterate on the idea based on feedback and learning from the pilot phase, ensuring flexibility in the approach. The key here is to take input from the previous steps and incorporate it into a continual feedback loop. Don’t be afraid to put a project on the shelf if you’re still “too early”. That is a good outcome from this exercise, because it prepares you to be on the ready when the timing is right!

Broadening the Audience and Engagement in Associations

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, associations have unprecedented opportunities to expand their audiences beyond traditional memberships. In my 2018 book, The Open Garden Organization, I explored a concept that is particularly relevant here: expanding your audience beyond your traditional core.  

This expansion is not just about increasing numbers but about fostering deeper engagement, diversifying perspectives, increasing your impact on mission, and enhancing value for both the organization and its stakeholders. Here are strategies for associations to consider:

  • Leverage Digital Platforms: Utilize social media, webinars, and online forums to reach and engage with potential members and stakeholders who may not be reachable through traditional channels.
  • Offer Value-Added Content: Provide accessible, high-quality content that addresses the broader interests and challenges of your extended audience, encouraging engagement and sharing.
  • Collaborate with Other Organizations: Partner with other associations, industry groups, and educational institutions to co-create events, content, and initiatives that appeal to a wider audience.
  • Embrace Inclusivity: Actively work towards inclusivity in your association's activities, ensuring that content, events, and membership opportunities are welcoming to diverse groups. For a group of doctors, for example, consider ways to extend your content to be of interest to related professions such as physicians assistants, nurses, etc. Engaging adjacent professions can be incredibly powerful in driving mission impact and grow your audience in a profound manner.
  • Innovate Membership Models: Consider flexible membership models or tiered access to content and services, allowing different levels of engagement according to the interests and capabilities of the wider audience. In my 2023 book, Ascend: Unlocking the Power of AI for Associations, we explore this idea, in detail, in Chapter 6. Download it for free here.
  • Utilize Advanced Data Analytics: Employ data analytics to understand the interests, behaviors, and needs of your broader audience, tailoring your strategies to better meet these demands.
  • Engage in Community Building: Associations do this well in most cases. Now, you can focus on building a sense of community among your expanded audience, fostering connections, and interactions that add value to their experience.

By broadening their audience and deepening engagement, associations can not only increase their impact but also strengthen their resilience in a changing world. This approach aligns with the transformative potential seen in the resurgence of neural networks through the ImageNet competition, where embracing a broader perspective and leveraging the right tools at the right time led to groundbreaking advancements. Associations adopting a similar mindset can unlock new pathways to innovation, relevance, and growth. 

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Embracing AI and Innovation in Association Management

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in association management presents a myriad of opportunities to enhance efficiency, personalize member experiences, and drive strategic decision-making. As associations look to the future, embracing AI and other technological innovations becomes not just an option but a necessity for staying relevant and competitive. Here are key areas where AI can make a significant impact:

  • Member Services and Engagement: AI can be used to personalize communication, content delivery, and services for members, enhancing their engagement and satisfaction. Machine learning algorithms can analyze member behavior and preferences to tailor recommendations and interactions. Additionally, modern AI-driven chat experiences can create truly valuable digital assistants (learn more about digital assistants in chapter four of our free ebook, Ascend: Unlocking the Power of AI for Associations).  
  • Operational Efficiency: Through automation and AI-driven processes, associations can streamline operations, from member registration and event management to customer service, freeing up staff to focus on higher-value activities.
  • AI-driven Data Analytics and Insight Generation: AI tools can transform vast amounts of data into actionable insights, helping associations make informed decisions about strategic initiatives, member needs, and market trends.
  • Content Curation and Delivery: AI can assist in curating and delivering relevant content to each of your members, ensuring that the information is timely, engaging, and aligned with their interests and needs.
  • Networking and Community Building: By leveraging AI, associations can facilitate more effective networking opportunities for members, identifying potential connections and interests that foster a stronger community.
  • Event Management: AI can enhance the event experience for attendees through personalized schedules, recommendation systems for sessions, professional networking curated by AI, and real-time feedback mechanisms.

By strategically adopting AI and innovation, associations can not only enhance their current offerings but also explore new avenues for value creation and member engagement. This journey mirrors the transformative impact seen with the advent of neural networks and AI technologies in the broader technological landscape. As association leaders navigate this path, they must remain committed to learning, experimentation, and a forward-thinking mindset, ensuring that their organizations not only adapt to the changes brought by AI but thrive as pioneers of innovation and excellence in their fields.

flywheel success

Embrace AI to Drive Association Innovation

The journey of innovation, particularly in the association sector, is replete with lessons from the past, opportunities for the present, and visions for the future. As demonstrated by the resurgence of neural networks and the pivotal role of the ImageNet competition, revisiting the right idea at the right time, equipped with new perspectives and technologies, can lead to groundbreaking advancements. This narrative serves as a powerful metaphor for association leaders, emphasizing the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the willingness to learn from past endeavors. 

Associations are uniquely positioned to leverage their rich histories, diverse communities, and collective knowledge to drive innovation. By critically reassessing past ideas with a fresh lens—considering technological advancements, changing member needs, and shifts in the broader societal and economic landscape—associations can unlock new potentials and pave the way for transformative change. 

Embracing AI and other digital innovations further amplifies this potential, offering new tools for engagement, efficiency, and insight that were previously unimaginable. As we look to the future, the success of associations will increasingly depend on their ability to foster a culture of continuous learning, open-mindedness, and strategic foresight. 

In conclusion, the path to innovation in association leadership is not a linear journey but a cyclical process of exploration, learning, and evolution. By valuing past experiences, embracing the present opportunities, and anticipating future shifts, association leaders can ensure their organizations remain relevant, impactful, and forward-thinking. The right idea at the wrong time is not a failure but an opportunity waiting for its moment to shine. 

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Amith Nagarajan
Post by Amith Nagarajan
February 20, 2024
Amith Nagarajan is an entrepreneur who believes in combining purpose, passion and profit. Amith grew up in Silicon Valley and, in 1993, started Aptify, which is now part of Community Brands. He is the Chairman of Blue Cypress, a family of purpose driven companies which focus on helping associations, non-profits, and other purpose-driven organizations achieve long term sustainability. More at