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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, software solutions play a critical role in the success of any organization, including professional associations. To stay competitive and efficient, associations must adopt software that seamlessly integrates with their existing systems and is easily extensible to accommodate future needs. A key component enabling this integration and extensibility is the Application Programming Interface or API.

APIs serve as the communication bridge between different software applications, allowing them to share data and functionality without exposing their internal workings. A well-designed API can greatly enhance an organization's ability to adopt new technologies and streamline operations. However, for non-technical association leaders, understanding and evaluating APIs can be a daunting task.

This article will help navigate the complexities of APIs by breaking down essential concepts into easy-to-understand language. It will cover the basics of APIs, the pitfalls of misleading "integrates with anything" claims and key questions to ask vendors during the software evaluation process.

By equipping non-technical leaders with the knowledge and tools to assess APIs, they can make more informed decisions, ensuring their organizations have the necessary integration and extensibility capabilities to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

Understanding APIs: The Basics

It isn't uncommon for software vendors to claim that their product "integrates with anything" because of its open API. While this statement may sound reassuring, the truth is many vendors don't have an API comprehensive enough to back up this claim. In some cases, the API is merely an afterthought, designed just for the customer to use, with a limited subset of features and data access. Consequently, organizations may find themselves unable to fully leverage their software investment, struggling to integrate with other systems or encountering unexpected limitations.

What is an API and why it matters

An Application Programming Interface (API) can be thought of as a set of rules and protocols that enables different software applications to communicate with each other. Essentially, an API acts as a messenger, allowing one system to request information or services from another and then delivering the response back to the requesting system.

APIs are vital in today's interconnected digital environment, as they facilitate seamless interactions between various software tools and platforms, such as Association Management Systems (AMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, financial systems, Learning Management Systems (LMS), online communities and other key association systems.

By using APIs, organizations can integrate different systems and automate tasks, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced manual workload and better data management. Furthermore, APIs enable associations to leverage external services, such as social media or payment processing, without having to develop these functionalities in-house.

The role of APIs in software integration and extensibility

Integration refers to the process of connecting different software applications so they can work together harmoniously, sharing data and functionalities. For example, an association might want to integrate its AMS with its event registration platform, enabling members to easily sign up for events using their existing account information. APIs play a crucial role in integration by providing a standardized way for these systems to interact, exchange data and access each other's features.

Extensibility is the ability of a software system to accommodate new features, functionalities, or integrations without requiring significant changes to its existing structure. APIs are essential for extensibility because they allow associations to easily connect their software solutions to new technologies and services as they emerge without the need for costly and time-consuming redevelopment efforts.

The importance of APIs in the age of AI

In the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), having strong APIs is more important than ever. AI systems are rapidly becoming capable of semi-automated and, in the near future, fully automated connectivity across various software systems. This connectivity enables organizations to harness the power of AI to streamline their operations, enhance decision-making and create more personalized experiences for their members.

Related: Inspiring Associations to Embrace the Possibilities of Generative AI Learn More >

However, this level of automation and connectivity is only possible if the underlying software systems have open, reliable and strong APIs. When APIs are well-designed and comprehensive, AI systems can access and analyze data across multiple platforms, making intelligent connections and providing valuable insights to associations. This not only improves efficiency but also helps organizations stay ahead of the competition by adopting cutting-edge AI-driven technologies.

For example, a well-integrated AMS and LMS with strong APIs can enable an AI system to analyze member data and learning patterns, offering personalized course recommendations based on individual needs and interests. Similarly, an AI-driven online community platform can automatically identify and surface relevant content and discussions to members, fostering engagement and networking opportunities.

The Misleading "Integrates with Anything" Claim

Software vendors often make the bold statement that their API "integrates with anything" in an effort to attract customers and demonstrate the flexibility of their solution. This claim can be particularly appealing to non-technical association leaders who may not have a deep understanding of APIs and their limitations, as it suggests that the software can easily connect with their existing systems and accommodate future needs.

Despite these assurances, the reality is that many vendors don't have a comprehensive enough API to truly support this claim. In some cases, the API is an afterthought, designed primarily for the customer to use, with only a limited subset of features and data access. This can result in a variety of issues, including:

  • Incomplete integration: The API may not provide all the necessary endpoints or functions to achieve seamless integration between systems, leading to manual workarounds or disjointed user experiences.
  • Limited extensibility: A narrow API may restrict the association's ability to adopt new technologies or services, hindering its capacity to evolve and stay competitive.
  • Restricted data access: If the API doesn't provide full access to an association's data, it can impede their ability to effectively analyze, manage and leverage that information

Choosing a software solution with an insufficient API can have several negative consequences for an association, including:

  • Wasted resources: The time and effort spent attempting to integrate systems or extend functionalities can divert valuable resources away from other essential tasks.
  • Increased costs: If the API's limitations require additional custom development or third-party solutions, it can lead to increased expenses for the association.
  • Reduced member satisfaction: Poorly integrated systems can create disjointed and frustrating experiences for members, potentially harming the association's reputation and member retention.

Ultimately the biggest challenge of all is inflexibility. By having a limited API from a key vendor in your technology ecosystem, you can be stopped in your tracks at times when you’re looking to enable new capabilities or integrations. Sometimes even additional funding and time won’t overcome this type of roadblock, and you’ll have to replace an entire system.

To avoid these pitfalls, leaders need to look beyond the "integrates with anything" claim and thoroughly evaluate the robustness of a vendor's API before making a decision.

Evaluating APIs: Key Questions to Ask Vendors

To ensure that a software solution's API is robust enough to support an association's integration and extensibility needs, there are a few questions organizations should ask vendors during the evaluation process. These questions can help uncover the true capabilities of the API and highlight any potential limitations.

Does the vendor use the API to power their own user interface?

One of the easiest places to start when evaluating an API is asking whether the vendor uses the same API as their customers to power their own user interface in their app. If the answer is yes, this can be a strong indication that the API is comprehensive and reliable since the vendor relies on it for their own operations. On the other hand, if the answer is no, it suggests that the API may be a secondary, less developed component of the software, which could have a limited scope and functionality.

While the ideal answer is yes, there are some legitimate reasons why vendors might have two different APIs – one for their internal use and one for customers. The most common legitimate answers are that APIs that power user interfaces might be too complex for customers to use and there could be security concerns as well. That being said, even if a vendor provides a different API for their customers to use compared to their own app, you can ask for details on the APIs and ensure that the “coverage” of the customer-accessible API is broad and deep relative to the scope of functionality the product provides.

How comprehensive is the API?

To determine the comprehensiveness of an API, it's important to inquire about the specific features, endpoints and data access the API provides. This information can help to reveal whether the API covers all the necessary functions and data elements required for effective integration and extensibility. Some key aspects to consider include:

  • Data access: Does the API allow for full access to the association's data, including creating, reading, updating and deleting records? This is essential for seamless integration and effective data management.
  • Functional coverage: Does the API provide endpoints for all key features and functions of the software? Comprehensive functional coverage ensures that the association can take full advantage of the software's capabilities through the API.
  • Customization: Can the API be customized to accommodate the association's unique needs, such as specific workflows or data structures?

Can the API provide full access to data and support programmatic integration?

Full data access and programmatic integration are critical for associations to fully leverage their software investments and maximize the potential of AI-driven automation. Some questions to help determine if this is an option with the API include:

  • Data formats: Does the API support widely used data formats, such as JSON or XML, to facilitate data exchange between different systems?
  • Authentication and authorization: How does the API ensure secure access to data and protect against unauthorized access? Look for APIs that support modern authentication standards, such as OAuth 2.0.
  • Rate limits and throttling: Are there any limitations on the number of API requests that can be made within a given timeframe? Associations should ensure that the API can handle their expected usage without performance degradation.

Additional Questions

In addition to the questions above, organizations may want to explore other aspects of the API and the vendor's approach to API development, such as:

  • API documentation: Is the API documentation thorough, clear, and up-to-date? Good documentation can be an indicator of the vendor's commitment to supporting their API and assisting developers in using it effectively.
  • Support and maintenance: What kind of support does the vendor provide for API users, and how do they handle API updates and versioning? Regular updates and a clear versioning strategy can help to ensure that the API remains reliable and secure over time.
  • Developer community: Does the vendor have an active developer community, and do they provide resources such as forums, blogs, or webinars to support API users? A vibrant developer community can be a valuable source of knowledge, assistance and inspiration for using the API effectively.

Here's the key – simply asking these questions of the enthusiastic sales rep who has made the “We integrate with anything” claim will tell you a lot about the company and the API your association may be investing in.

The 7-Point Checklist for API Evaluation

Once an association has gone through the evaluation phase, there are still factors to consider to ensure a software solution's API fits an association's needs. The following checklist outlines seven key areas to consider and assess during the process.

1. Scope and coverage

a. Ensure the API provides comprehensive access to the software's features and functionalities.

b. Confirm that the API allows for full access to the association's data, including creating, reading, updating and deleting records.

c. Determine whether the API can be customized to accommodate the association's unique needs and workflows.

2. Ease of use and documentation

a. Review the API documentation to ensure it's clear, thorough and up-to-date.

b. Assess the learning curve associated with using the API, considering the association's technical resources and capabilities.

c. Investigate whether the vendor provides sample code, tutorials or other resources to facilitate the API's adoption.

3. Security and access control

a. Verify that the API uses modern authentication and authorization standards, such as OAuth 2.0, to ensure secure access to data.

b. Confirm that the API provides granular access control, allowing the association to define and manage user roles and permissions.

c. Assess the vendor's commitment to API security, including their approach to handling vulnerabilities and incidents. Ask if the vendor has any certifications related to security and API security.

4. Performance and scalability

a. Inquire about the API's rate limits and throttling policies to ensure they align with the association's expected usage.

b. Evaluate the API's performance and response times, taking into account the potential impact on user experience and system efficiency.

c. Determine whether the API can scale to accommodate the association's growth and future needs.

5. Support and maintenance

a. Assess the vendor's approach to API updates and versioning, ensuring that the API remains reliable and secure over time.

b. Inquire about the support resources and channels available for API users, such as forums, webinars or dedicated support teams.

c. Evaluate the vendor's commitment to continuous API improvement and their responsiveness to user feedback and requests.

6. Integration with existing and future systems

a. Review the API's compatibility with the association's current software stack, including AMS, CRM, financial systems, LMS, online communities and other key systems.

b. Investigate the API's ability to support integration with new technologies and services as they emerge, such as AI-driven platforms and tools.

c. Consider whether the API adheres to widely accepted industry standards and best practices, which can facilitate integration with a broader range of systems.

7. Developer community and resources

a. Explore the vendor's developer community, assessing its activity, size, and level of engagement.

b. Determine whether the vendor provides resources such as forums, blogs or webinars to support API users.

c. Assess the availability of third-party resources, such as libraries, tools and plugins, that can simplify and enhance API usage.

Bringing it Together

APIs play a critical role in facilitating seamless integration, extensibility and automation across various systems, such as CRM, AMS, financial systems, LMS and online communities. Throughout this article, we've highlighted the key concepts non-technical leaders should understand about APIs and their significance in the age of AI.

We've addressed the misleading "integrates with anything" claim that some vendors make and emphasized the importance of thoroughly evaluating an API's capabilities and limitations. Additionally, we provided a comprehensive checklist to help leaders validate whether a software solution's API is sufficient for their needs.

As AI technologies, particularly generative AI systems, continue to advance, they increasingly require software applications like CRM and AMS to have robust APIs to maximize their impact. These AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data, automate complex tasks, and even generate new content and insights, ultimately helping associations make better decisions, streamline their operations and enhance the experiences they offer to their members.

However, these benefits can only be realized if the underlying software systems have open, reliable and strong APIs. Ultimately, it's crucial for non-technical association leaders to recognize the significance of robust APIs and prioritize their evaluation when selecting software solutions.

Amith Nagarajan
Post by Amith Nagarajan
April 24, 2023
Amith Nagarajan is an entrepreneur who believes in combining purpose, passion and profit. Amith grew up in Silicon Valley and, in 1993, started Aptify, which is now part of Community Brands. He is the Chairman of Blue Cypress, a family of purpose driven companies which focus on helping associations, non-profits, and other purpose-driven organizations achieve long term sustainability. More at